living in Harmony: Philippians 4:4-5, 8


Sermon Seed #8 in the Series “This is Living!” – Philippians 4:4-5, 8

Text: As our team made our plan to preach through Philippians, we decided to study four biblical characters who are mentioned in the epistle in a single sermon. Specifically, we wanted to see them in light of the epistle’s theme of gospel-centred fellowship.

Timothy and Epaphroditus (2:19-30) show up at the end of the key passage on this topic in Ch. 2. They are faithful co-workers, giving of themselves sacrificially, of great worth to Paul and to the church. Euodia and Syntyche (4:2-3) appear later, at the beginning of Paul’s final exhortations. They have also been fellow contenders for the Gospel and yokefellows with Paul, but they are now embroiled in a squabble of some kind. Paul doesn’t give much attention to the conflict itself, only to tell them to “stop it!” There was no point in exploring the conflict, only the solution, which seems to be outlined in the following verses (4:4-5, 8), which we decided to make the focal verses of this sermon.

The sermon explored each of these individuals, and how they are presented in the epistle. Naturally, we contrasted the example of Timothy and Epaphroditis with the example of Euodia and Synteche. The latter come as a negative example as Paul expresses a genuine concern for unity in his final call to “stand firm in the Lord.” Their conflict with one another is immediately and starkly contrasted with the exhortations in the verses that follow.

The overall conclusion seems to be that relationships in the body of Christ are at their best when they are defined by the grace and focused on mission.

Big Idea: Real unity happens when our hearts are bound together in the gospel, for the sake of the gospel.

Gospel Focus: The Gospel not only heals our relationship with God, it heals our relationship with others, beginning with the body of Christ. We can’t live in Gospel reconciliation and be at odds with our brothers and sisters in the family of God.

Bullet Points:

Key qualities of gospel-centred fellowship …

  • Rejoicing Always … In The Lord! – Hearts that are captive to the joy of the Lord will not be drawn into petty quarrels.)

  • Reputation for Gentleness (Philippians 4:5a) – Speaks to our immediate reactions to obstacles, irritations, etc.

  • Accountability to God (“The Lord is near.”) – Throughout the NT, as well as the OT, no behaviour is more important than how God’s children treat one another.

  • Healthy thought habits…what is your default? (Philippians 4:8)


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